Monday, June 19, 2006

No Tricks Missing...

I just want to point out that there are no tricks missing with the methodology used in my Blogger & Adsense tutorial. Usually people who claim to earn great profits from Adsense leave out some important details when they impress upon you the merits of their system. I don't do that. The steps outlined in my Blogger & Adsense tutorial are exactly the same ones I use - nothing fancy and nothing left out.

I've seen so-called gurus create a foaming-at-the-mouth effect when they tell their audience that they made massive profits with their so-called "side business". What they usally leave out is that their 500 web sites had been optimized for years before ever employing Adsense as a money earning model. What they usually leave out is how they are getting their traffic.

What my tutorial attempts to do is teach people how to get traffic using an easy and free blogging platform such as Blogger. The idea is that beginners can use their Blogger accounts, and my free tutorial, to begin their traffic flow.

Every niche blog is another trickle of income, and over time you can create many trickles. Remember that your free niche blog only needs to make one dollar a day to create an income of 30 dollars a month. Some blogs will make more of course, so you can begin to do the math. If you only make 5 blogs, you will never make a full time living. If you want to make a full time living at this, you need to get cracking and get blogging.


Kenny said...

Yes.....this is project with a goal to help people make some extra money, by creating quality resources for Internet shoppers. We have 3 contributers. One uses static web sites, I use Blogs, and the other is a beginner who is building up quality blogs now.

The contributor that commented on the static sites is new to blogger. You may have known him from his WAHOYC site. He is involved with various blog platforms such as Wordpress and Movable Type.

We all post regarding the Blogger & Adsense model. Yes, Kenny Allman is most certainly a pseudonym for all contributers. We are taking more contibuters in the future.

Kenny said...

Mike - no need to delete anything. It's good to have those questions answered.

I'll email you about contributing
Mike. We get alot of traffic on this site at about 500 a day already, so it would be worthy of
the odd post for you.


Anonymous said...

interesting thing is he has edited it since then.. and taking out the i make next to nothing at the moment using blogs LOL... this whole site is bullshit man!

Kenny said...

Sorry you feel that way. Since you are not paying anyone here for the free tips and info, then you have no reason to feel ripped off.

Anyway....the more people that feel that way.....means more opportunity for the folks that enjoy making blogs and making money.

As to the comment regarding the amount of money issue....we have three contibuters to this blog (which is confusing I know) and all of us are at different levels, using different blogs, but I assure you that you can make good money with niche blogs. We will not be posting our Adsense earnings anymore, so you can speculate either way on what these blogs make.

I wish you all the very best in all your Internet projects. I won't be posting to links to all my niche blogs because I learned my lesson on that one. I've done that before (and so have some of my successful peers) and we soon have hundreds of new sites and blogs competing for the SAME keywords. We're trying to be helpful with free info and that is it. Use it or don't.



Anonymous said...

Bullshit? Hahahaha. That's great. Hey 'anonymous' , why don't you tie a rope around your computer...the other end to your nuts..and go for a swim. I am LIVING proof that blogging works. For instance, I have a 5-day-old blog that has already made $1.80 today! That may not sound like alot of money to a guy as smart as you...but keep in mind...I have 140 blogs. 'Anonymous' , please tell all of your friends, family and parole officers that blogging DOES NOT WORK...that way...I can get richer, faster. Moron.