Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jackhammer Loses Blogs

One of our contributors recently lost over 50 of his blogger blogs. When he contacted Blogger they gave him this response:

Hi (NAME),

We have removed your blogs and/or disabled your Blogger account due to thefact that you have been misusing our service. Based on our records, thereare a number of blogs that are not compliant with our Terms of Service(
http://www.blogger.com/terms.g). This behavior is not looked uponfavorably.

Sincerely,The Blogger Team

I have no idea why his blogs were whacked, but his account is still live he tells me. I suggest reading the Blogger Terms Of Service closely if you intend to grow these Blogger niche blogs.

At this point I am no longer building blogger niche blogs. The ones I have I will maintain but I will be focusing on my Typepad, Movable Type, and Wordpress blogs in the future.

For further information on how to create and use the above mentioned blog platforms, please use my blogroll in the right sidebar. In the LONG run, your content will be safe on a domain you own and control.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very surprised.
Did you think about the way to host your blogger in your own hosting? I learned that, and I want to be sure that you can keep the same advantage plus the security: blogger can not deleted your blogs