Thursday, December 30, 2010

Terry Zulit Autoblog Formula Vs WP-Robot - A Review

So I actually bought an ebook after Christmas on autoblogging, which I had given up on in late 2009. So many autoblog systems suck, and I've bought a few in the past.

I tried buying the Wp-Robot plugin, which didn't work well at all. Their idea is good, but for some reason my autoblogs never took off. I had set up 10 autoblogs using Wp-Robot and in 1 years time I was only making about an average of 28 cents a day. Not good enough for 10 domains!!!!!!

I tried others as well, and none of them worked, as in creating a constant flow of traffic and profit. You can see why I gave up.

Anyway. I purchased the Terry Zulit Autoblog Formula because I was interested to see what he was doing. I've followed his blog over the years because he seems to be actually making good Adsense money, and always tells it like it is. Even though his fairly crude and foul mouthed sometimes. Sort of a take no prisoners approach sometimes.

So this is what I found.

  • I bought the "Formula" for 39.99 USD and got the download link right away - no waiting.
  • I uploaded his entire custom Wordpress files into a new domain (.info for me)
  • all customized plugins, Wordpress files and themes were incorporated for easy set up
  • I followed his tutorial on keywords, domains, and hosting and he was right about SiteCloud
  • I threw in some good feeds into his customized WP-O-Matic setup
  • I used his choice of Cron jobs
  • I watched for 2 days as posts went up like clock work - no repeat posts, AND best of all he made some changes to his own re-writing synonym plugin called Global Synonym. It WORKS!

So I banged a few good inbound links to the this autoblog to see if Google would be caching the posts because usually Google won't cache anything that is "duplicate content", and to my surprise this morning the first couple of auto-posts are cached!!!!!!!

One of the sideline benefits I got from the TZAF was his method of choosing and rewriting rss feeds. That, and the Synonym plugin are worth the price of admission alone I would say. I think this is where I was going wrong in my past attempts.

It took me 2 hours to create a reasonable synonym list, but now it's on total autopilot. He's right about the synonym list. It has to be readable, and that is best part of the Global Synonym plugin. Very simple and very powerful.

I'll update this in a few months to report on my traffic.

Think someone has finally created an actual autoblog method that is inexpensive and actually does as advertised. Damn good for the dude's first ebook, with some many slick sales people selling ebooks that never deliver.

So I'm happy, but I notice that he does not make this ebook and software available on Click Bank and there is no affiliate program. I think that Mr. Zulit should be considering this, even if he says he is not a great salesperson.

Later mang.

UPDATE: Well I created 4 autoblogs using the Zulit system and I thought I should post my results. I chose Chitika for advertising.

1) Jewelry - Traffic has started trickling - Making about $2 - $3 a day (2 months old)

2) Handbags - Traffic trickling - Making about $1.50 - $3 a day (2 months old)

3) Clothing - Traffic more than tricklign - Making $5 - $8 a day (4 months old)

4) Light Fixtures - Traffic more than trickling - Making $6 - $10 a day. (4 months old)

So from my experience with internet income this is pretty darn good. A total of between $16 - $25 a day income, and these are new domains. Much better than Zulit claims you can make that soon, so surprising.

So far so good, and with the new Google Farmer Update in full swing now, it appears that autoblogging is not going anywhere soon. Zulit posted some traffic results after the Farmer Update here.


Alexander said...

Good review! Thanks. I do use WP Robot and it works BUT it has a few drawbacks:
- doesn't post pictures
- makes mistakes in negative keywords
- sometimes doesn't make posts or takes older ones
- pretty complicated setup

I wanted to see how TZAF works, so your review looks like a real one I can count on.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this review.

Yes, it seems real and helpful.