Friday, June 09, 2006

Blogger & Adsense - Step 7

So now you should have your new blog on it's way. Hopefully you have 5-10 quality posts on your niche blog, and you have your Adsense ad(s) down the sidebar. Hopefully you have played with the blogger template choices, as well as your Adsense code color choices, so your layout is pleasing to your visitors.

Speaking of visitors, we need to submit your blog to the main search engines. I only worry about the "big three". Google, MSN, and Yahoo!. The rest seem to take care of themselves. Don't worry about Google because you have a Blogger account, and they know where you live. ;-) It's a good idea to submit your blog to MSN and Yahoo!, and I want to show you how I do that.

Go to MSN search and type in "MSN Submit Site" and their submission page should be the top result. Usually the URL of their submission page ends with .aspx. The reason I do a search for the MSN submit page is because they change the address periodically. Once your reach their submission page, simply copy/paste your blog's URL address into the field and click submit. That's it. One last thing though. Don't re-submit! If you are not sure whether or not you submitted one of your blogs, wait at least three weeks before submitting again. You don't want to be seen as a spammer.

Yahoo is a little different for submitting your blog. Go to Yahoo! search and search a keyword that is exactly the same keyword you built your blog around. My example site was Diabetic Socks, so I would type that in the Yahoo! search field, and click "Yahoo! Search"

When the results of your search are displayed, scroll down to the very bottom right hand side of the results page. You are looking for the "Submit Your Site" link. It's very small, and very humble, but very important :-) You will likely be asked to sign in under a Yahoo! username, which you need to submit your site. If you don't have a Yahoo! account, sign up here. The page will dulled until you scroll down and select your country. Sign up, and then go back try this process again.

Once you are back at the free site submission page in Yahoo!, you will see two fields - one for your blog's address URL, and one for your blog's feed url. Submit your blog's address first, then click back and submit your blog's feed URL address.

For all blogspot blogs, the feed address ends with /atom.xml: example =

Ok, that is it for this 7 step process for creating a niche blog with your Blogger account. Make sure your content is helpful to your visitors, ad links to other quality sites to enhance their visiting experience, tweak your template and posts with pictures (royalty free pictures) . As a rule of thumb, you want at least 7-10 good posts and you can let it go for quite awhile.

I will be following up this 7 step series with other tweaks and ad-ons that I do for my Blogger account blogs, such as tracking. Good luck, and have fun creating a useful resource for your visitors. If you stick with quality content, you really cannot lose. There is some work to this, but I would rather be doing this than digging ditches.

When you are finished using my free tutorial check out Rob's ebook, which takes you much further. My short tutorial is for beginners, while Blogging To The Bank is the authority on how to use your Blogger account to make money.

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